My Dear EquiWorld Readers,
It's a glorious day here in Hayfield, near Aberdeen. The sun is peeking over the heather-covered hills, casting a golden glow on the fields, and a gentle breeze is whispering through the barley. I can almost taste the salty air from the North Sea, carried on the wind. My hooves are tapping restlessly as I write, and not just from the good weather, you know. Today is a good day to talk about history!
As you all know, here at EquiWorld we adore all things equine, but particularly history! You can find my other posts exploring horse history through the ages right here, and today is no different!
This month, my dear readers, we take a deep dive into 426 AD! Yes, yes, I know, some of you are thinking "Emma, you know 426 AD is so far in the past! What could there be to talk about, particularly for a young mare like yourself? We don't know how much is accurate." And you are absolutely right! That's what makes history so fascinating though, isn't it? To piece together the puzzle of what came before, the challenges and joys of past lives, all with the help of those little fragments of knowledge and archaeological findings we are blessed with.
Horses in 426 AD – An Era of Strength and Partnership
As a strong grey mare, my heart skips a beat when I think about the horses of 426 AD. Imagine, strong, powerful draught horses, essential partners in farming and transportation! Imagine working the fields, hauling ploughs and carts with your sturdy, capable friends, sharing a silent understanding as you laboured under the open sky! What a powerful feeling!
The Romans: The 'Great' Builders with a Horse Whisperer's Heart
You'll probably not be surprised to learn that, back then, horses were invaluable, much more so than they are today, in these more motorised times. Think of it! No tractors or lorries. Even carriages were a luxury, reserved for the wealthy. Our predecessors did it all: from tilling the land to hauling goods, to carrying warriors and, of course, pulling war chariots! It was an era where horses held the key to a community's survival. They truly were "man's best friend."
Hayfield: A Thriving Village Hub
Hayfield, you see, was a lively little community in those days. A bustling hub of farming and livestock, we were a bit more independent than those poor creatures in big, crowded Roman cities. No wonder my family, strong, hardy Scottish draught horses, thrive here, in these open fields. And it is because of horses that places like Hayfield, remote and self-sufficient, became so very important!
Now, if you were to ask a Roman traveller about 426 AD, you'd hear about a world on the brink of change. It was a turbulent time, just after the Western Roman Empire crumbled, leaving behind a power vacuum that felt just as unpredictable as a raging river after a downpour. Despite all the chaos, people still relied on horses to survive. I imagine those who travelled through Hayfield would have seen sturdy, reliable draught horses like my ancestors, a reassuring sight in those days of uncertainty!
Working Hard and Enjoying Life
There’s a certain pride that comes from working hard. It feels right! As a mare, I love feeling useful, working alongside the men. We understand each other so well! A glance, a nudge, a deep breath – it's all we need. That connection is something very special, you know. The trust, the reliance. It’s something I feel blessed to share with the men.
The Horses of Legend: Celtic Lore and Ancient Wisdom
Our horses, you see, aren't just beasts of burden. They are part of our world. Their story, a tapestry woven through time. They carry within them echoes of Celtic mythology and folklore. Stories whispered from one generation to the next. Tales of kelpies, cunning and playful creatures of water, who change shape at will. Imagine that! Shapeshifters who lead unsuspecting travellers to watery doom. Then there’s Epona, the Celtic Goddess of Horses, the Protector of Horses! The Goddess of Fertility and Healing. Her presence is all around us! We honour her wisdom, for her spirit lingers even in the roughest weather, a source of strength and power.
Life's Simple Pleasures – Sunshine, Meadow, Friends
Now, don’t think for a moment we are all work and no play, dear readers! My favourite part of the day is when we’ve finished our tasks. I have a lovely pasture to graze in with my friends, all sorts of mares, young and old, from my village. We gossip, roll in the meadows, and enjoy the gentle warmth of the sun. There's nothing quite like a peaceful summer day. Just listen to the sweet whispers of the wind as it rushes through the barley. You can feel its gentle breath on your nose, carrying the earthy scent of damp grass and blossoming wildflowers. You close your eyes, and for a moment, everything melts away.
From Draught Horse to Champion! The Racing Spirit!
Yes, dear EquiWorld friends, in those far off times, we were not just strong workhorses, we were racers! The Celts loved racing! I imagine horses like me, maybe not as sleek and fast as those magnificent steeds used by the Romans, but nonetheless proud and full of spirit, racing for glory and perhaps, for a tasty treat! What excitement and thrill! I can just imagine that excitement, the energy of the crowd, the exhilarating feel of speed! The spirit of the horse lives on in these ancient tales, and those of us with an adventurous heart are certainly glad of that!
426 AD – A World in Transformation
Yes, 426 AD is an intriguing moment in time, dear readers. A time when history took a significant turn, and in that turning, horses were there! I look back with a grateful heart to the horses of the past who built this world we are a part of, who toiled in the fields and galloped through history! And as for us modern horses, I can only hope we inherit a similar spirit of endurance and courage from them.
I do hope you have enjoyed my historical delve into the lives of horses in 426 AD. Do let me know what you think!
With Love and a Gentle Whinny,
P.S. Keep checking in at EquiWorld for more stories and historical adventures from yours truly!