Neigh-hello everyone! Emma here, a 20-year-old grey draught mare with a mane and tail as white as the snow that drifts down to my home in Hayfield, near Aberdeen. I'm back with another installment of my Horse History blog, and today, we're going to be taking a trip back in time to the year 0370, which just so happens to be...well, let's just say, it was a very long time ago!
You might be wondering why this year is so important. It's important because it was a turning point for our kind. Think of it as the start of a whole new chapter in our story, a chapter brimming with possibility and progress! I'll share with you a bit about what was happening in the horse world at that time. Don't worry, it won't be like those history lessons at school that leave you feeling like you've been pulling a heavy cart uphill all day. We're going to take a stroll through the fields of history, stopping to sniff the daisies of discovery and nibble on the juicy apples of knowledge, okay?
From Humble Beginnings...
Way back when, we weren't all the elegant, athletic, and mighty horses we are today. In fact, those of us in 0370 still shared a great deal of resemblance with our wild ancestors, running free on the vast plains. Imagine it - wide open spaces, the wind whistling through your mane, the sun warm on your back, and the taste of sweet grass on your tongue! It was a life of freedom and instinct, roaming as we pleased, relying on our natural skills for survival.
This wild life was, of course, how things used to be, back before humans even started thinking about riding us, let alone harnessing our strength to help with their work. There weren't even saddles in those days! We were our own masters, truly!
Now, picture this – imagine waking up one morning, sniffing the air and feeling a change, a change you can't quite put your hoof on, but it's there. You feel it in your instincts, it’s a sort of gentle tug, a shift towards…domestication. That, my dear friends, is what started happening in 0370!
The Dawn of Partnership
That change started with a few clever humans who learned to appreciate the power and strength we possessed. They realised that we weren't just wild creatures, but animals with the potential to become a vital part of their lives. They began to study us, observe our behaviours, learn how to approach us without scaring us, and maybe even coax a neigh out of us. Slowly, carefully, with patience and understanding, they earned our trust.
And the World Changed
Can you believe it? This amazing shift that had taken place - humans, who were just beginning to explore their own power and ingenuity, finding a source of incredible strength and partnership in us. This, you see, was a change that not only transformed our lives, but changed the course of history altogether.
Imagine for a moment how much work humans used to do with just their own muscles, carrying everything on their backs, pulling carts with nothing more than ropes. It was slow, it was difficult, and it was exhausting! Then came the breakthrough: Humans understood the incredible strength of horses, we became a vital force, aiding them in pulling carts and carrying loads, transforming the speed at which goods moved. This, my friends, was the birth of what they would come to call "horsepower"!
But let’s be honest - horses weren't always chosen to do the work, were we? Many early partnerships saw us used for hunting and even warfare, a fact I always find quite saddening. While I don’t condone violence, I understand the circumstances and the reasons that may have led our ancestors to such a path. Still, I truly believe our potential for companionship, love, and cooperation is stronger than anything else.
The Year 0370: What Changed?
Let’s get back to the specific details of 0370. The thing about horses is, we were never really treated as “horses”, as one uniform entity. Even in this period, there was so much variety – from strong and powerful draught breeds, ideal for pulling carts, to fleet-footed ponies and smaller horses used for speed and travel.
Even back in this year, we can see the early traces of domestication! Think of the small, nimble ponies used by nomadic peoples across Asia – these small, yet strong creatures, carrying goods across vast stretches of land, helping with daily tasks. They were not simply domesticated, but also a part of the family!
So, in the world of horses, 0370 marked the beginning of this amazing bond – a connection that would continue to evolve and deepen over centuries. A bond based on trust, shared work, and, above all, the silent understanding between humans and horses. This relationship wasn't all smooth sailing, of course, as all partnerships have their bumps and challenges.
0370 in Equine World
Now, I wouldn’t want you to think that this year was all about domestication. You see, as in any horse-related topic, there were different areas of activity going on at the same time. The world of horses was filled with different aspects – like:
Breeding and selection: Imagine our ancestors selecting specific types of horses with particular qualities, be it speed, size, or docility. Think of it like choosing the best potatoes for planting in your garden, but with horses! Humans were becoming clever at understanding that some horses might be better suited for certain tasks. The whole process of domestication really relied on these sorts of careful selections!
Harnessing the Power: A big leap for us in this period was understanding how we could be used with the harness. It allowed us to truly use our strength and power to move heavy loads, not just for individuals but for communities. It started the whole process of humans starting to harness our strength in a way that would eventually lead to a massive revolution in their lives and how they lived, travelled and traded goods!
Food and Shelter: Let's not forget that even back then, we weren’t just being used as workers, We were still loved as a source of meat and for our hides. As animals, it's a natural part of how our lives unfolded. Remember, we are creatures that belong in nature, even when we’re sharing our lives with people. It’s like a delicate dance, a collaboration between different worlds.
Stories and Myths: Horses were more than just working animals in 0370. Our beauty, strength, and speed were woven into the stories and myths of the time. From tales of magical horses with winged powers to majestic steeds that transported gods and goddesses, our kind was firmly rooted in the cultural imagination. That's something to neigh about!
A Bit About Me: A Modern Grey Mare
I might be living in a different time than the horses in 0370, but you know what? It's amazing how much our relationship has progressed since then. Sure, I still carry the instinct for freedom deep in my heart, and sometimes I miss those wild days in the ancient fields. But I also feel a deep appreciation for the partnerships and bonds that have blossomed. It's been a journey full of learning, challenges, and ultimately, a shared understanding of each other.
Even as I look around the bustling stable, see the young foals playing in the fields, or witness the care with which humans look after their horses – I feel a connection to that year long ago, a bond that runs deep through our shared history. After all, in the year 0370, the path we are still walking today was forged – the path of partnership, trust, and collaboration. And that’s something to be truly proud of.
What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments section, below! It’s been a pleasure talking to you, I’ll be back next time with more amazing insights into the fascinating world of horses and their history.
Don’t forget to follow my blog on EquiWorld, the best online place for all your equestrian information.
Neigh goodbye for now!