A Grey Mare's Perspective
Hello, fellow equines! Emma here, your average, hardworking, grey mare from Hayfield near Aberdeen in Scotland. Now, don't picture me as some sleek, chestnut thoroughbred from the races! No, I'm a proper draught horse, strong and sturdy, with a mane and tail like spun silver, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. And my life, like all horse life, is intertwined with human life – a symbiotic relationship, as they say. We toil, and they prosper, and that’s how the world goes round, eh?
This year, 0058, has been pretty much the same as every other year I can remember. It’s been cold, snowy, and then glorious spring with green meadows that are just perfect for grazing. There are whispers, however, amongst the farmers and folk of a year of great changes ahead, although they don’t talk about horses much. I haven’t the slightest idea what they mean, but I have my trusty nose to the ground and ears to the wind. You can bet your bottom stable-rug that I'll share what I discover!
The Everyday Hustle
Let’s get real, the daily grind of a draught horse isn't glamorous. Every morning, the cold wind stings my nostrils as I get yoked up for another day of ploughing. The farm life is hard but honest work, and the human hands that tend to my needs are strong and familiar. We work side-by-side, with respect for each other, and I feel proud to contribute my strength to the land. My fellow mares and geldings, they feel the same – our lives are interconnected, intertwined with the rhythms of the seasons, of nature's cycle.
There’s a certain peace in the monotony of it all, you know? I know each furrow of the field like the back of my hoof, and my pace has a familiar rhythm. The rumble of the earth beneath my feet, the creak of the yoke, the chirping of the sparrows in the early morning, it all brings a sense of comfort. A deep knowing that all is as it should be.
The Horse Fair – A Chance for Camaraderie
Once a month, we get to break from the routine! A travelling horse fair arrives, bringing a buzz and a spectacle of excitement. That’s when I see horses of different breeds and temperaments, horses from across the Highlands, even from as far as England, imagine that! I especially love watching the spirited young stallions, showcasing their energy in the demonstrations.
At the horse fair, we don't just work – we share stories and rumours, share tales of distant places, gossip about human families. This is where we exchange news and build friendships. It’s always wonderful to hear the familiar clip-clop of hooves on the cobblestones as the other horses arrive.
Changes in the Wind?
There’s a faint hum of anticipation about this year though. I've noticed that the older farmers are speaking in hushed tones, exchanging glances, sometimes pointing towards the sea. Something about a big ship that has just arrived, loaded with precious goods and unusual people, coming all the way from distant lands across the ocean. People whisper that these people, Romans they call them, bring new knowledge and different ways. Now, I've been told that they even have carts with wheels instead of oxen to pull them! I can hardly imagine such a contraption. How can a cart move without the strength of a sturdy draught horse? The very idea is almost comical!
But the excitement amongst humans has stirred a new sense of possibility even in us horses. Maybe it is true what the old mares tell – the world is always in a constant state of flux, changing as we breathe. Perhaps the way we live now is about to shift in a dramatic way.
Our Future in the Unknown
There’s a sense of mystery and adventure hanging in the air. What does the future hold? Will these new people, the Romans, bring changes that affect us horses? Will they understand the bond between humans and horses, between humans and nature? It’s unsettling but intriguing. We all share this earth, and what happens to one will affect the other. The possibilities are vast and unknown. It feels as though something great is about to happen.
Now, don’t worry, dear fellow equines! As always, I'll be here, ears perked, hooves ready to take whatever comes our way! Just keep watching EquiWorld. We are going to keep track of this very unusual, eventful year – a year that might just shift the foundations of life as we know it.
Emma signing out, for now...